“She won’t be able to walk…” the doctors told the weeping lover: the dog decided to try

Faith has always been the favorite of the family, and the owners could not get enough of her. Lively, agile and very graceful dog loved to play and run. But a little more than a year ago a terrible misfortune happened to her: Faith suffered a severe stroke. The bleeding was so severe that it involved many parts of the brain …

After doctors examined the dog, they made a disappointing judgment: the pet will never be able to walk. Moreover, it is unlikely to raise its head, so the best way to put it to sleep …

The mistress of faith, 30-year-old American Hannah Lee, who lives in Atlanta, listened to this forecast with tears in her eyes. She just could not believe that her beloved dog would never run, jump and, in fact, not even take a small step.

“When Faith suddenly fainted in our backyard, we had no idea what was happening!” – Recalls the girl. “The vet explained everything and it just sounded horrible. We were told that she had a stroke and the prognosis was bad … “

Despite the doctors’ verdict, Hannah and her family decided not to give up on the pet and definitely not to euthanize her. They called for help with their patience and asked the doctors to do everything possible to save the dog.

Faith took her first steps three weeks after a stroke. They were very unsteady, the dog was swaying, but she was still moving! Day by day she got stronger and healthier until she finally started to walk freely.

It’s worth noting that the success of the treatment wasn’t just due to the doctors – Hannah and her family also took an active role in saving the dog. They gave her a massage, exercised her limbs, and literally lived on a schedule so someone could stay home and care for the four-legged patient.

Their persistence paid off and Faith gradually recovered. It’s hard to believe, but a year later, the dog was already running around the yard and catching up with his brother named Aberdeen – another dog who lives in the house.

The owners say that the dog is not as fast as before, but in general she is still the same “girl” she always was! Her character has not changed and Faith is still so happy and cheerful!

Hannah is sure that in many ways the dog has helped Aberdeen, who has not moved a step from his sister. And, of course, the girl urges all owners not to despair, but only to believe in the best!

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